Male Survivors
We know that men and boys who have experienced sexual assault or abuse can find it difficult to talk about what has happened. You may worry that you won’t be believed, or that people will judge you for not being strong and able to protect yourself.
At Birchall, we believe you, and we can help you access emotional and practical support to process your experience in a way that helps you move forward.
We welcome anyone who identifies as male, straight, gay, trans, non-binary or other.
How can we help?
We want to help men living in the shadows of abuse to start leading the lives they want and deserve.
We are here to help you make sense of your story, answer those difficult questions and come to terms with how this has impacted your life.
We know it is not easy to break the silence.
Men impacted by sexual crimes are often left feeling too ashamed to talk or ask questions that such life-changing experiences can leave them with.
Men often do not speak out about childhood sexual abuse or sexual assault due to things such as:
Fear of what the reaction might be, what will people think or do?
Confusion, guilt, shame, or embarrassment. For example, believing that you were in some way responsible or complicit.
Not knowing how to talk about it, or not being able to find the words.
It is feeling too painful to talk about. Fear of losing control and becoming overwhelmed by emotions.
Having to explain the circumstances, such as what you were doing there in the first place.
A wish to protect others, to keep it a secret in the hope that someone else won’t also be harmed or upset.
Threats, either physical or verbal, from the abuser.
It is estimated that each year in the UK, 12,000 men are raped and 70,000 are sexually abused or assaulted.
The impact of Sexual violence can have a profound impact on a man’s life, here are just some of the ways research shows males are impacted:
Feelings of helplessness, isolation and alienation.
Difficult feelings of guilt, shame or humiliation
Flashbacks and invasive thoughts.
Use of alcohol or drugs.
Suicidal thoughts and behaviour.
Nightmares and insomnia.
Anger & Mood Swings.
Depression and Anxiety/Fear.
Mental health difficulties.
Self-blame, Low self–esteem, Self doubt.
A sense of loss, grief.
Difficulties with relationships and intimacy.
Questions and difficulties related to masculinity and gender identity.
Questions and difficulties related to sexuality.
Men impacted by sexual crimes are often left feeling too ashamed to talk or ask questions that such life-changing experiences can leave them with.